Hollywood’s Most Exclusive Product Placement Company

Secret Room Events Product Placement Company is a multi-level company that specializes in helping non-profits and businesses grow to the next level. It does so with its several divisions including product launch, marketing, event planning and its most well-known division, the gift lounges.

Secret Room Events host several of these loungers, also referred to as gifting suites, throughout the year, tied to such events as the Academy Awards, Golden Globes and Emmys, MTV Movie or charity events for SPCLA, The Human Society among others. Clients benefit from customized marketing solutions that leverage unparalleled experiences as well as access to top celebrities, premier events, and influential media and strategic partners

A Gift Suite is a location where several companies give products to celebrities in exchange for the celebrity taking a photo with the product or on a red carpet while standing in front of a press wall displaying company logos. Gifting suites are a powerful marketing tool used by companies for the purpose of celebrity product placement

Companies which are trying to build brand recognition or maintain a premier position in the market like to be associated with celebrities and other persons with significant social status. Fans of a celebrity are likely to look favorably on products or services associated with that person, therefore products and services associated with a celebrity have the ability to drastically grow their customer base by simply associating their brand with the right people. Clients benefit from customized marketing solutions that leverage unparalleled experiences as well as access to top celebrities, premier events, and influential media and strategic partners. Secret Room Events was voted top Gift Suite by Luxe Fair and  Huffington Post, featured in the LA Times, Washington Post, Access Hollywood, E!, OK!, HGTV, Entertainment Tonight, Extra, Frontdoor.com and many more.


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