Healthy lifestyle for pregnant women

Healthy lifestyle for pregnant women: eat right

Simple dietary rules

The legendary Hippocrates said: “We are what we eat,” and this maxim is doubly true for expectant mothers. Should the diet of a pregnant woman change, what to look for when choosing products and how does nutrition affect the condition of the mother and the unborn baby? The reproductology will help you to understand these issues.

Should pregnant women eat more?

No, it is not necessary: in any case, you should not add more than 10% of the usual calorie intake. Moreover, it should be taken into account that the real threat is just overweight: it is an effective factor in the unfavorable outcome of pregnancy. In contrast, studies have shown that weight control can reduce the risk of pre-eclampsia by 33%, gestational diabetes by 61%, and significantly reduce the risk of preterm birth. ⠀


Therefore, pregnant women should follow simple rules:

  • monitor the calorie content and variety of food – include protein foods (meat, fish, dairy products), as well as cereals, vegetables, fruits;
  • set the fractional food mode – eat often and in small portions. This will help avoid overeating, and with early toxicosis and in the later stages – discomfort after eating;
  • there is no need for strict prohibitions unless recommended by a doctor. However, it is worth limiting fast food, too salty foods, smoked meats, products made from refined flour and sweets. Homemade food is best steamed, baked or stewed – this will help preserve maximum nutrients;
  • do not skip breakfast (!) even during toxicosis: it is better to pick up a small portion of your favorite and non-nauseous product and “start” the body. So you will help both yourself and your future baby;
  • monitor the water balance (!): 1.5–2 liters of water per day will help support the general metabolism and, which is important for pregnant women, the proper functioning of the intestines.


Can pregnant women follow a vegetarian diet?

Today, there are opportunities for a nutritious diet without consuming animal products. Keep in mind, however, that pregnant women and vegans are more susceptible to B12 deficiencies, as well as protein deficiencies, which are more easily absorbed from meat, eggs or dairy products.

Therefore, the decision in this case depends on the general condition, which should be monitored by a doctor on the basis of objective data, blood and urine tests. we practice an individual approach to the preparation of a pregnant woman’s diet, however, the general recommendation is nutrition balanced in terms of nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) and the mandatory intake of vitamin complexes. It may be appropriate for pregnant vegetarians to switch to a more benign form of this practice, such as lacto-vegetarianism or lacto-vegetarianism.

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