A young millionaire created an impressive suit

A young millionaire Erik Finman created an impressive suit by Doctor Oktopus , 19 years old had made a fortune of 3.3 million dollars, made a cybercracker for his 10-year-old friend.

As a child Erik Finman concluded with his parents a wager: if by the age of 18 he becomes a millionaire, he will not go to college, but will do what he is interested in. And he managed to win this bet. In 2011, Eric bought money donated by grandmother bitcoins – then they cost only 12 dollars. Now the state of the 19-year-old guy is estimated at 3.3 million dollars, and he is engaged in robotics. Finman is developing several projects, including the creation of nanosatellites for the educational project of NASA.

For the creation of the costume of Doctor Octopus – the main enemy of the Spider-Man of the Marvel universe – Erik Finman undertook to please his friend, Aristu Michan. 10-year-old Aristu is a big fan of the Marvel comics, suffering from DST (dysplasia of muscle tissue). “Aristu said that such a cyber-suit would help him fight the disease,” Finman said. “A real prosthesis would cost tens of millions of dollars, so I experimented with 3D printing. Not so long ago I already made a robot that was completely printed on a 3D printer – but with such a complex project I have never worked. ”

Finman with a team of engineers independently assembled a 3D printer, and then printed on it all the necessary elements. Eight servo drives for tentacles and four glider motors are controlled by the Arduino Mega 2560 board. You can control the tentacles individually or with the help of two pairs of consoles. The weight of the suit is 12 lbs.

So far, the costume is only a concept and at the same time an exhibit of the Comic-Co exhibition. But Finman plans to finalize it for commercial use. The young millionaire promises to post the documentation on the cyber cost to open access after completing all the works.

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