FODMAP foods

What to eat in the summer, to avoid bloating

A common problem with the summer diet is the appearance of bloating and discomfort in the intestines. This may be due to food intolerances for certain foods, including foods high in natural sugars and coarse fiber.


Eliminate FODMAP foods

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, which are short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that the small intestine absorbs poorly.

FODMAP is, of course, the English word for short-chain carbohydrates.  These ingredients can cause bloating and affect gas production. There is no connection with the ambient temperature, such products affect our body in the same way at any time of the year. It’s just that most of these carbohydrates most often come across to us in the hot season: ice cream, apples, pears, mangoes, cherries, melons, apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums, watermelon.

We in no way prohibit the use of fruits and berries, especially at the height of summer. Just watch the reaction of your body and observe the amount of food consumed. If unpleasant sensations appeared, I immediately wanted to go to the toilet, and my stomach became like a ball, it is worth lowering the dose.


Eat fruits in the morning, vegetables in the evening

In summer, the activity of the digestive system slows down, so it is better to give preference to foods with less heat treatment, in which live enzymes are stored to improve digestion. It is possible and necessary to eat fruits and vegetables, but in order to reduce fermentation in the intestines, it is still advisable to eat only vegetables in the evening.

Choose “local” products

That is, those that have always grown in your area of residence – our body is accustomed to them evolutionary, so they rarely cause allergies. The microbiol of our body from childhood is formed precisely by seasonal and local products. But the early imported products may contain fertilizers, are treated with chemistry during transportation and lose their beneficial properties.

Therefore, it is advisable to compose your diet by studying the table of the seasonality of the crop for your region. You can diversify the summer diet by eating wild plants: nettle, rhubarb, sour cherry, parsley, celery, spinach, lettuce.

Blueberry + avocado. It may sound crazy, but the world’s chefs have long been using this pair for salads, desserts, smoothies and cocktails. The bright taste of blueberries is slightly muffled by the flesh of the avocado, which makes the dish more unusual. Other halves for blueberries are arugula and carrots.


Mango + strawberry. This combination is ideal for sauces, smoothies and salads – they reveal these ingredients in the best way and bring maximum benefits. Mango, by the way, can also be combined with pear, pineapple, peach and even beetroot and cucumber.

Melon + orange. But this couple, it seems, does not surprise us at all: melon and orange, in taste, smell, and color, found each other in gardens and desserts. Cucumber, tomato, kiwi also breathe unevenly to melon.

Pepper + mango. We are used to combining peppers with vegetables that grow in our country (cucumbers, tomatoes, and so on). But eminent chefs have gone so far as to add exotic fruits to peppers – mango, lychee, kumquat, apricot.

Carrot + lemon. A sweet couple, perfect for salads, soups, hot meals and of course fresh juices. And experts also call for crossing carrots with prunes or lentils. The challenge is thrown!


Don’t forget about proteins

Summer is the right season for weight loss, and many people abruptly refuse to eat meat and fish, preferring only vegetables and fruits. Remember: if you want to become a vegetarian, then you can’t just take and refuse food of animal origin, the transition must be gentle. Moreover, it is important to remember: such a diet is not suitable for everyone, you need to monitor the body’s reaction and internal sensations.

In general, nutritionists recommend switching to a balanced diet with an optimal ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the summer. It is in the summer that the daily calorie content of the diet is distributed as follows: 30% of the menu should be proteins (plant and animal), 10% – fats, 60% – carbohydrates. It is better to replace meat on especially hot days with low-fat types of fish with a vegetable side dish.

Drink more water

We do not think that any article on nutrition may not contain this item. In summer you can drink mineral water, water with lemon, lime, ginger, berry fruit drinks.

Instead of regular ice cream, opt for frozen juice or fruit desserts. And fatty salad dressings, for example, mayonnaise, sour cream, can be replaced with dressings made from low-fat and unsweetened yogurt or lemon juice with linseed or olive oil.


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