Experts have found out which days in August it is important to give up impulsive actions in order to maintain health and good luck
Dangerous days, according to astrologers, occur during various astronomical events. In August, 5 dangerous days are expected, during which it is important to be careful.
Every day the influence of the stars and planets has a strong effect on people. Many of us are exposed to it, which affects both our well-being and how we do business. Experts have found out which days of August it is important to give up impulsive actions in order to maintain health and good luck.
August 8: Trine of Mars and Venus
Retrograde Mars will strongly influence emotions, literally provoking conflicts. On this day, it is worth refusing business cooperation with strangers, as well as postponing financial transactions, if possible. Aspect of the planets will not allow long-awaited purchases, especially household appliances, which may break immediately after purchase. Astrologers recommend on the 8th to be patient and spend less time in crowded places.
August 11: partial solar eclipse
A solar eclipse in Leo can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases. On this day, astrologers note an increased risk of being stranded, which means it is better to postpone major transactions and purchases. During this astrological event, it is important to exclude the emergence of any conflict situations, not to make fateful decisions. It is also better to leave new beginnings until a more favorable time. On the 11th, solitude and routine work will be the best way out. Those with chronic illnesses should take action to maintain their health.
August 16: square Mars and Moon
An unfavorable aspect, according to astrologers, will be unfortunate and destructive for the business sphere. Many will feel irritability and a surge of negative emotions, which means that scandals will also become more frequent in married couples. On this day, you can lose the trust of partners and disrupt major transactions, so you should keep yourself in hand. Impulsive actions will jeopardize career growth, so on the 16th it is best to do simple work and avoid the development of conflict situations. The influence of heavenly bodies will also affect health. Astrologers warn of possible troubles and injuries both at work and at home.
August 20: magnetic storm
Perturbations of the Earth’s magnetosphere will take place at the end of August, and according to forecasts, the peak of the perturbation will occur on the 20th. On this day, meteosensitive people may feel symptoms of malaise, distraction, panic attacks and other unpleasant consequences of a strong burst on the Sun. On this day, it is worth giving up energy-consuming affairs. Astrologers recommend taking precautions to protect yourself during a magnetic storm.
August 26: Full Moon
During the Full Moon in Pisces, there is a high risk of conflicts with loved ones. It is important to spend this day in harmony with yourself and the world around you, otherwise strong emotions can harm relationships. The intense influence of the Full Moon will affect performance: distraction, laziness and unwillingness to perform direct duties will appear. Any monetary transactions should be excluded so as not to be left without a livelihood.
In August, several planets will find themselves in retrograde motion at once, which will slow down activity and can negatively affect both business and health. In the last summer month, astrologers recommend showing prudence and not committing impulsive actions. Be attentive and careful to avoid failure in life.