Here is the paradox: the more you try to remove the greasy sheen from the skin, the stronger the skin starts to shine and create problems in the form of clogged pores and acne.
We wash face more than twice a day
A greasy shine on the skin can cause a desire to wash. It seems that you will remove all unnecessary things from your skin. In fact, this will deceive your skin, it will start producing more oil and in addition will have redness and flaking. If you still need to clean your skin here and now, then use matting wipes, at least this is a more humane way to remove gloss.
Too often we scrub the skin
Another wrong way to remove oil from the skin is to use a scrub. Naturally, this procedure is still important for the skin, but in moderate amounts (2-3 times a week). It is also important to choose the right remedy, you will need products with salicylic acid, avocado or honey. By the way, the same advice applies to all fans of face brushes. Owners of sensitive and oily skin it is better not to use them every day to again not get unnecessary problems.
We skip the moistening
A greasy shine on the skin is not equal to natural moisturizing. So your face needs a cream, it remains to find the right one. In your case, you need a remedy that simultaneously matures, moistens and prevents the appearance of imperfections. To do this, look for perlite, kaolin, hyaluronic acid, glycerin, thermal water, salicylic acid on the label.
We use a lot of salicylic acid
Yes, in the previous paragraphs we wrote about the importance of salicylic acid, it is a part of creams, gels and patches for problem skin. It exfoliates the top layer of the skin, thus allowing the pores to not clog up. At the same time, if you overdo it with this ingredient, you can cause dryness. The skin will react to this in a well-known way: it will begin to actively emit fat to “moisturize” the skin, and eventually cause the appearance of acne. So do not use this ingredient more than 2-3 times a week and take only one remedy containing this substance.
We pin our hopes on the tonic
Many dermatologists generally offer owners of oily skin to skip this stage of beauty-routine. Again, the owners of oily skin think that in this way they save the surface of the face from dirt, but more often it turns out that they clean themselves up literally to the creak – the skin reacts to it with redness. If you are not ready to give up the tonic, then at least choose a product without alcohol in the composition, it is this ingredient that dries most.
We choose the wrong powder and foundation
Oily skin glosses without additional effort, so the choice in favor of powder and tonal basis with a radiant effect may end badly – by the end of the day the face will literally shine. In your cosmetic bag there should be means without the maintenance of oils with matirujushchim effect.