A few days ago, the British auto-CAR has published the news of the proposed joint development of a sports car BMW and McLaren, which proved to be untrue
The news was reprinted by almost all the world’s cars editions, but as it turned out, it was an ordinary newspaper canard. What hastened to declare the head of the sports division M GmbH Frank van Meel, which, according to the publication CAR, was to take the issue of the future sports car.
We have great respect for McLaren, but to resort to their aid are not going as well as the BMW M GmbH, and have all the necessary resources for independent development of a sports car” – said Frank van Meel. “I have not heard anything about negotiations with McLaren on the Board of Management of BMW and generally learned about them from the press. Our flagship sports car has been and will be BMW i8, and if we set about developing a new sports car, it is only after the end lifecycle BMW i8 ».
At this point, you should pay particular attention. BMW i8 went on sale a half years ago, and its “life cycle”, in the words of Frank van Mil, must end somewhere in the 2019-2020 year. Therefore, at this time BMW has to prepare his successor, unless, of course, the Bavarians do not want to volunteer to give up sports car segment competitors, in that hard to believe. Hence, the BMW should soon begin to develop a successor to BMW i8, if not already started.
And with McLaren or without a question, in fact, not of fundamental importance. In this case, it makes sense to focus on the main competitors of the Bavarians – Daimler AG and Audi, who have their own sports cars that is now and in the future are not going to leave this segment. Moreover, this segment remains very stable in recent years, and to lose it would be very unwise. BMW’s are well aware of, so that Frank van Mil, most likely, did not say much of what he knows. Rather, it merely denied the information on collaboration with McLaren, said nothing about the prospective developments.